Friendly Face Painting
Face Painting has long been a much loved activity at parties and events all over the world. It's our job to fill the world with happy moments, nothing quite beats the smiles we get when the face paint transformation is revealed.
We also take great responsibility in looking after our envoriment and keeping Mother Nature happy. Here at Daizy Design we try to do everything we can to prioritise our planet's well being.
We make sure we are using cosmetic grade professional face paints with no harmful chemicals that are designed to be safe on the skin. We try to create our our own colour combinations and top up our paints to reduce the amount of packaging we use.
We love using cosmetic-grade eco-glitters which are biodegradable and much friendlier on the enviroment.
We limit the amount of single use iems that we use. We use reusable brushes and sponges, cloths and stencils (that are all well washed between uses!) We also try to limit the amount of wetwipes and cotton buds we use (only using when absolutely necessary). And we save stickers and gems for special occasions.
We like to shop local (within NZ) supporting local suppliers that also care about offering eco-friendly options. Or shopping in person when we have been traveling to other countries teaching face painting at classes and conventions.
We also use biodegradable balloons when balloon twisting, which are made out of natural latex that can be composted in the garden.
For a guilt-free party activity, Daizy Design Face Painting (and even balloon twisting!) is a great option, keeping the kids happy and also the planet!
